The Task Editor provides a rich UI for creating, editing and debugging Muse Steps. The editors for macros and functions are built on the same base - so the features are very similar. The Task Editor is described here.
In the muse-examples folder, run this command to start the editor:
muse edit ex2-If-LessThan-LogMessage.json

The toolbar provides commands for step editing, task running/debugging and saving changes.
The step tree is where you create and edit steps in the task.
Use the tabs to edit different parts of the task. The Parameters tab provides default parameters for the task. These may be replaced with other values by a parameterized task suite, allowing one task to exercise many variations of the same workflow.
Running a task
Use the play or step buttons to start a task.

Editing Steps
Read how to edit a step.
Task Parameters
Tasks (and functions) can accept parameters when executed. These parameters can be supplied by a task suite, allowing one task to exercise many variations on a single workflow. Similarly, functions can be passed parameters to be used during the function execution. In both cases, it can be useful to supply default parameters for use during editing and debugging. The Parameters tab allows the specification of these default parameters. The parameters could also be used to supply multiple values for a loop, such as in this example, that performs three searches in a loop:

Much like task variables, each parameter is named. The name fields in the editor are plain strings and do not need to be quoted. The value for each parameter is a value source.